Credit reports
Whether or not you are going to use credit repair, it is a great idea to get a copy of your credit reports as it will give you a good understanding of what is on your report.
You can use the three links below to order your free credit report directly.
Please be wary of any companies claiming to provide you a credit score as they may not be a registered credit reporting body in Australia.
·Equifax (largest credit reporting body in Australia)
Once you have obtained your credit report, and if you see any issues with the reports, please feel free to reach out on 1300 694 898
You can use the three links below to order your free credit report directly.
Please be wary of any companies claiming to provide you a credit score as they may not be a registered credit reporting body in Australia.
·Equifax (largest credit reporting body in Australia)
Once you have obtained your credit report, and if you see any issues with the reports, please feel free to reach out on 1300 694 898